No more searching for needles in haystacks: How new digital tools help consumers find the specialist that’s right for them

No more searching for needles in haystacks: How new digital tools help consumers find the specialist that’s right for them
Searching for the right specialist can be a lengthy process for patients, particularly those with complex and rare diagnoses. This can negatively impact time to treatment and, ultimately, health outcomes.

But new, smarter and more powerful digital tools are making it easier for patients to find the right specialist far earlier in their healthcare journey. And the faster a patient finds the right HCP, the sooner they will be primed to learn more about your brand.
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Searching for the right specialist can be a lengthy process for patients, particularly those with complex and rare diagnoses. This can negatively impact time to treatment and, ultimately, health outcomes.

But new, smarter and more powerful digital tools are making it easier for patients to find the right specialist far earlier in their healthcare journey. And the faster a patient finds the right HCP, the sooner they will be primed to learn more about your brand.

Patient challenges when searching for care  

Delayed diagnosis

For many patients with a rare disease, finding a specialist experienced in their condition delays time to care

  • 6 years — the average time it takes for patients with a rare disease to receive an accurate diagnosis1
  • 17 encounters — the average number of clinical encounters rare disease patients experience between symptom onset and diagnosis2

Poor health outcomes

Delays in care can negatively impact patient health outcomes

  • 6% to 8% — A meta-analysis of cancer outcomes found that every four-week delay in treatment is associated with a 6% to 8% increased chance of death for patients with any of five major tumor types3
  • 63% — Delaying diagnosis of moderate chronic kidney disease by one year increases the risk of needing a transplant or long-term dialysis by 63%4

MediFind connects patients to specialists — and to your brand

MediFind, a Phreesia company, uses advanced analytics to help patients find and connect with the right specialist for their needs.

With a database of 2M+ providers in the U.S. alone, MediFind helps patients find the right specialist based on unbiased, research-backed physician rankings that assess expertise, not user reviews. The platform’s cutting-edge technology uses real-world data—such as patient volume in a particular condition, clinical trial participation and conference presentations—to evaluate the experience of every HCP.

MediFind makes it easy for high-intent patients to connect with the right specialists while empowering brands to directly engage with consumers while they’re actively searching for treatment solutions. 

The MediFind network:

2M+ — provider profiles nationwide on our digital platform

1M+ — patients use MediFind to find a provider every month

1 in 5 — patients who visit a doctor profile on MediFind take immediate action to schedule an appointment

3,500+ — health conditions, including rare diseases, in our database

Why MediFind?

Explore how MediFind helps patients find better care — and your brand — faster

  • MediFind Moments—Connect patients with your brand when they’re looking for a highly rated specialist, specific condition or a broader specialty   
  • Doctor Finder—Present best-in-class provider data to patients searching for care with a custom, indication-matched experience on your brand
  • Infusion Center Finder—Equip patients with comprehensive infusion information to select the best treatment center for them 

Learn how MediFind’s solutions can help you reach high-intent patients early in their care journey and reduce time to treatment. 


1, 2.  



5, 6. Phreesia search journey for care survey, March-April 2024