Patients in focus: Type 2 diabetes treatment and perceptions

Affecting millions of Americans, Type 2 diabetes is one of the biggest markets in pharma. So, what are patients thinking about their current treatment plan? How is their diagnosis affecting their everyday lives? Most importantly, how can pharma reach these patients? Read our latest report to find out.

Using Phreesia PatientInsights survey results collected in December 2021 and January 2022 from 4,096 adults diagnosed with or treated for Type 2 diabetes checking in for their doctors’ appointments, this report will explore patients’ attitudes toward existing diabetes interventions and their openness to new treatments, as well as the pharma marketing messages that are most likely to resonate with them.

Report highlights include:

  • 42% of patients say their condition has a moderate-to-great impact on their mental health
  • 1 in 5 patients reported that they do not regularly check their blood sugar levels
  • 71% of patients are at least somewhat likely to try a new medication for Type 2 diabetes
  • Other than metformin, on average only 15% of patients could recall other leading brands in the category