Healthcare consumerism’s tipping point 

It may have taken a pandemic to get healthcare up to speed in adopting digital technology, but now there’s no going back. Patient expectations have shifted, along with the way patients interact with their providers.

That shift also has major implications for pharmaceutical marketers, who now have new ways to reach patients. Using Phreesia PatientInsights survey results collected in September 2020 and March 2021 from senior patients checking in for their doctor’s appointments, this report will explore how consumers’ rising expectations for convenience, flexibility, personalization and technology-enabled healthcare experiences are here to stay—and what those seismic changes mean for healthcare marketers.

Report highlights include:

  • 67% of patients are comfortable communicating with their providers by text
  • Comfort with using mobile health apps for those over 65 doubled from September 2019 to March 2021
  • 75% of patients prefer telehealth because of its flexibility
  • More than 10% of patient visits in behavioral health, endocrinology, neurology, gastroenterology and rheumatology continue to be conducted via telemedicine