Beyond cookies: Reaching patients in a privacy-first environment

As the tracking and privacy landscapes shift dramatically, learn how pharma marketers can proactively strategize new ways to effectively reach target audiences as traditional tactics phase out.

Massive changes have disrupted the marketing world over the past few years as new legislation and major technology player reforms have reshaped the consumer privacy landscape. And while some of the biggest changes are still on the horizon—Google’s planned 2023 phaseout of third-party cookies, for example—now is the time for marketers to prepare.

Because life sciences is a highly regulated field that has always prioritized patient privacy, it is better positioned than many other industries to adapt to tightening privacy restrictions. But pharma marketers will still be impacted by the shift away from common user-tracking mechanisms and should be proactively strategizing new ways to reach their audiences that don’t rely on fingerprinting.

This report will explore areas for pharma marketers to consider as they adapt to a privacy-first environment, including:

  • Alternative one-to-one patient engagement approaches
  • First-party data strategies
  • Implementation of contextual targeting
  • Opportunities to shift marketing spend to reach high-quality patient audiences