Industry voices: What pharma marketers should watch for in 2022

As the world moves into the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic, the impact of the virus on patient behavior is undeniable. What does that mean for the industry–and more specifically, pharma marketers?

This report features insights from seven industry experts on the top trends in pharma marketing to watch in 2022.

Hear from these experts:

  • Yesenia Bautista, Director of Point-of-Care Media, Publicis Health Media
  • Arielle Chavkin, Group Media Director, Heartbeat
  • Daphne Earley, Senior Director of Multi-Channel Marketing, ViiV Healthcare
  • Sparkle Fisher, Associate Director of DTC Marketing, Biogen
  • Raphael Rivilla, Partner for Media and Connections Planning, Marcus Thomas
  • Ari Schaefer, Co-President, Klick Health
  • Danielle Lynch, VP, Client Experience, Phreesia Life Sciences